On September 14, 2016 the New Jersey Knights of Columbus Tank Pull Committee presented Roy Sherman USMC, a Vietnam era wounded veteran, with an all terrain wheelchair. Roy was wounded and sprayed with Agent Orange during his Vietnam deployment.
Roy was thrilled to receive his new chair and the freedom it brings to his life.
The presentation was informal because he needed the chair but a formal presentation will be made at the Annual Tank Pull Board of Directors Dinner in Late October or November.
The donation of the fifteen thousand dollar chair to Roy – a Clifton, NJ resident – was made possible by funds generated by the Annual NJ Knights of Columbus Army Tank Pull Competition held each June in Clifton, NJ. The Knights will donate a second Track Chair to a member of the military wounded community later this year.
Roy, who is not a member of the K of C, was offered a Directorship on the Tank Pull Competition Board of Directors and he has graciously accepted the position. Welcome Roy!
The pictures reflect his joy with the new chair better than my words can. Roy has asked me to convey to all of you his gratitude for making this dream possible.
Thank you for your continued help and support!
- Tank Pull committee presents all terrain wheelchair to Roy Sherman on September 14, 2016.
- Roy poses with his new all terrain wheelchair.
- Roy takes his new all terrain wheelchair for a spin.